[Grammar] Our estimated arrival is 4 P.M.

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Mar 4, 2017
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(In a Toeic listening test)

Our estimated arrival is 4 P.M.

Why isn't there an 'at' before '4 P.M.'? (I.e., Our estimated arrival is at 4 P.M.)

I assume that the following is all correct and means the same. Is that right?

a. Our estimated arrival is 4 P.M.

b. Our estimated arrival is at 4 P.M.

c. Our estimated arrival time is 4 P.M.

d. Our estimated arrival time is at 4 P.M.
Don't add the preposition in C and D. The time isn't at a time, it is one.

A and B are fine.
One way to make sense of the lack of preposition in the original is to interpret arrival to mean 'time of arrival'. Then you can understand it in GoesStation's terms: a time is not at a time, it is one.

(I hope that makes sense!)
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