[Essay] Nowadays, most information is online, whereas in the past

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IELTS task 2 essay

Nowadays, most information is online, whereas in the past knowledge used to be stored in books and on paper. Do you think the advantages of this situation outweigh its disadvantages?

Nowadays, it is commonly believed that knowledge plays an important role in society development and no one can deny it. However, in recent years we have witnessed that information is more accessible online rather than in paper form. I personally believe that this issue has positive effects on science evolution.
First of all, one of the merits of this matter is the amount of data which could be attained. That is to say, if datum is online much more materials are available. Therefore, the more information provided, the more comprehensive researches are achieved. As an instance, when I wanted to start my academic research, a various array of data was acquired using internet.
In addition, information transferring velocity could be considered as the second benefit of knowledge network. In other words, not only is the data accessible widely, but also the process is so fast. Since by applying the search engines, by far faster the datum could be approachable. To illustrate more, as soon as a subject is entered in Google toolbar a plenty of information is gained only in a few seconds.
Furthermore, the last upside of the web-based extension of knowledge which could be highlighted is its easier accessibility. To be more precise, only by having a smart phone with internet connection there would be an ocean of datum available, anywhere, anytime. As on example, when someone is waiting at the bus station he can search and read a special topic in his cell phone, even if he is not in university library.
To recap, by considering the aforementioned reasons, available data amount, datum transmission pace, and easier approachability, I hold the view that virtual knowledge availability has a numerous positive impacts on science advancement.

Dears, i would be so happy if you check the essay i have written please and comment on it. Thank you so much.
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