not part of the game

navi tasan

Key Member
Nov 19, 2002
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United States
1) It is not part of the game that you should act rough.
2) It is not part of the game that you act rough.
3) It is not part of the game for you to act rough.
4) It is not part of the game to act rough.

Are these sentences correct?
Do they mean you are not allowed to act rough or that you don't have to act rough (but you can if you want).
Thank you very much, Tarheel,

They are indeed mine. I came up with a sentence like these and wondered whether it was ambiguous or not. I couldn't really decide whether it had the 'you shouldn't' meaning or the 'you don't have to meaning'.
Well, if something is not part of the game you're not supposed to do it. That's my default position.

If you want to say about something that it's not normally done, but you'd be okay with it, then say that.

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