Nor did I or neither did I

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Nov 16, 2017
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He didn’t come to the party. Which one of the following answers is correct?
Nor did I or neither did I
My answer is neither did I but it is doubtful whether nor did I can be applied.
He didn’t come to the party. Which one of the following answers is correct?
"Nor did I" or "neither did I"
My answer is "neither did I" but it is doubtful whether "nor did I" can be applied.
"Neither did I" is much more common in American English.

Always mark words and text you're writing about with quotation marks or italics.
"Neither did I" is much more common in American English.

Always mark words and text you're writing about with quotation marks or italics.
Oh, sorry GoesStation, I'll always do from now.
Isn't there a difference between "neither did I" and "nor did I"?
Oh, sorry GoesStation, I'll always do that from now.
[STRIKE]Isn't[/STRIKE] Is there a difference between "neither did I" and "nor did I"?
For people who use "Nor do I," I don't think there's any significant difference.
Tara, here's a sentence using come.

I invited him, but he didn't come to the party.

Otherwise, I would say:

He didn't go to the party, and I didn't either.
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