Non-defining relative clauses

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Aug 4, 2011
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Relative clauses - non-defining relative clauses
Relative clauses add extra information to a sentence by defining a noun. They are usually divided into two types – defining relative clauses and non-defining relative clauses.

Non-defining relative clauses

Look at this sentence.

  • My grandfather, who is 87, goes swimming every day.

‘who is 87’ is a non-defining relative clause. It adds extra information to the sentence. If we take the clause out of the sentence, the sentence still has the same meaning.

What does “If we take the clause out of the sentence” in the above context mean?

Do the following sentences have a difference?

1. I went to visit my uncle , who lives in Thailand.
2. I went to visit my uncle who lives in Thailand.

yes- the first just gives us additional information about your uncle, so you only have one uncle. The second tells us which uncle you visited- you have more than one uncle, but only one lives in Thailand.
yes- the first just gives us additional information about your uncle, so you only have one uncle. The second tells us which uncle you visited- you have more than one uncle, but only one lives in Thailand.

As with the problem we dealt with a couple of days ago, I don't think the non-defining clause necessarily limits the number of uncles.
As with the problem we dealt with a couple of days ago, I don't think the non-defining clause necessarily limits the number of uncles.
It certainly limits us to the one we know about.
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