neither party is prevented from making future claims - unclear meaning

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Feb 10, 2013
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Hello everybody!

Since the provisions of party X may cause doubts as to time limitation with regards to claims related to the repairs, the owner will not be in a position to take delivery of the ship without first agreeing with party Y that neither party is prevented from making future claims relating to the fire outbreak.

Understanding in the context of the sentence

Since two parties are involved in the dispute over who is to blame for the fire outbreak, I understand that, taking the context of the sentence into account, neither party is prevented from making future claims means that either party is prevented from making future claims or neither party is allowed to make future claims.

Understanding of the bolded phrases without context

If we only take the bolded parts into account without context, the meaning changes.

Neither party is prevented from making future claims means that both parties are free/allowed to make future claims.

Do you agree?

Thank you.

Strictly speaking, two negatives, namely, neither + prevented, give a positive.
Strictly speaking, two negatives, namely, neither + prevented, give a positive.

Is prevent really a negative? To me, it just means that you can't stop either party from making claims in the future, which is a single negative.
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