Need some help to fill the blanc spaces PART 1

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Jul 26, 2016
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First, I apologize for making it so large, but this is all what she says in 24mins, the blanc spaces are the scrips next to the time, the scripts that don't have time are immediatly next to the last one so there was no need to put the time on those. Again I apologize and please don't get scared :) anyways, the video is

Name of the video:"Dragons" | Reaction, Lore and Predictions |Overwatch

I need to know what she says so would anyone please help me out here? you just have to look for the time and tell me what she says.

...for tunning in 1s --- my name is Panzer and today.... time, timeline and like 22s --- that I found, I think it's called 25s --- lore, if you're one the Overwatch 27s--- I'm sure you've seen but it's really awesome, I feel like, Im very 31s out the date¿? with what's going on with the lore, I know that Genji and Hanzo are brothers, Hanzo is the older brother, Genji is the younger brother, their father is the head of the Shimada ninja clan, which is the 44s --- and they're pretty bad dudes, Hanzo was very into continuing the family business once their father passed away 51s --- Genji was kind of like, the playboy of the family that just 56s --- had a lot of money and didn't want anything to do with the business and just wanted to do whatever, I'm not sure if it was a moral conflict so much or just being like lazy and 1:06 --- but this whole thing led to this conflict where they fought each other and Hanzo thought that he killed Genji but he didn't killed Genji and Mercy found him, 1:17 who is, who she is¿? like the head of the medical science stuff at Overwatch and found him and she made him into a cyborg because that was the only way to 1:22 ---- his ------ body was to basically making half robotic and half 1:32 --- opportunity to have a essential living weapon on the team. She made him agree she'd help Overwatch take down the Simada ninja clan since they said 1:44 --- which he did as far as we know today ------ in the game the Shimada ninja clan's been 1:52 --- and Genji fas left Overwatch, obviously, Overwatch in the game would have collapsed about 5 years ago, at that point Genji left to try to find himself, he was always 2:02 --- because the ------- the whole Overwatch story is that, you know AI were advanced enought to either, you know, think for themselves and rebel or there were peopl in charge of this rebelion and it was like this crazy like, I want to say 2:17 --- 50 years, like decades of war between ------- and humans and so a lot of humans are not big fans of ------- because of this, so Genji is struggling with who he is because now he's part cyborg and how is he even come to groups with that so he 2:34--- to try to find peace with himself, he ends up going to Nippon where he meets 2:40 ---, --- sort of becomes the mentor ------- him and helps him find a inner peace ------- you know, on acceptance of himself as the way he is now and as 2:50--- current day he's just an adventurer he's free ****** my dog's got a 2:55--- toy I apologize for that****** but he is just a free ninja, do as ninjas do and I think Hanzo is alive but the Shimada 3:05--- is no more, Overwatch is no more and Genji and Hanzo are certainly not fans of each other. So after explaing all what I know I'm now gonna watch the animated show Dragons and I'm really really excited about it. I hope that you enjoy the video I know you guys liked my last one so hopefully you like this one too, ok here we go.

Oh there's the ancient tower, oh the 3:57--- so good, oh no wow that's in the back ground, this is Hanamora, this is maybe, that was the ancient tower, this is definitely Hanamora the map I think I got confused, storu of my life, this is literally Hanamora the map. So they were like Gengi security guards because Hanzo wass taking them out, that moon, so he's going towards 5:09--- right now, oh there's Genji, there's the Genjou, that was a cool silhouette, oh he doesn't know it's Genji, oh my god Genji looks so badass, oh my god, I don't think he knows it's Genji, yeah, he doesn't know, oh that's so cool, that's so cool. Oh the 7:14--- ability is so fucking red, so fucking red, oh my god that was sick, oh that skyline is so pretty, they're fighting 7:52--- the skyline, oh dragons devour my enemies, does he know now? he knows now he knows it's Genji now, oh my god the animation is so good, oh no, oh my god take it off, oh the shadows, oh that's so good, you're gonna shoot him? you'll kill your brother twice, oh the feather oh my god that was so good, Hanzo's gonna be a good guy. 11:06--- Im like ------

Ok so, recap. Hanzo's still kond of an asshole, there is no Shimada 11:18--- I'm not sure who he was taking out that was guarding his 11:22--- but he clearly is conflicted about him thinking he murdered Genji and like we talked about before he also seems like he's not super thrilled of the idea og Genji being a cyborg. But we've also seen that Genji has really trully 11:50--- to peace with who he is and what he's become and it's interesting to see that like, you know, the reason he ended up the way he is 12:00--- was because he was, I don't want to say irresponsible but I don't believe there was moral reprihension that prevented him from, you know, working with his brother in the 12:10--- I think it was much more that he was lazy and just wanted to, you know, have fun and live a normal life. But it's really impactful having a story, I don't think there's any other siblings 12:25--- Overwatch that I know of. It's really impactful having siblings that really ended up on the wrong sides, they're against each other and they would be stronger together. I would love to see the 12:39--- progression of Hanzo becoming some sort of good guy and I'm gonna assume that when he says, you know the world is changing he's talking about, you know, 12:46--- trying to incite a war and 12:49--- I think that Overwatch ------- like 30 years ago -------- So the've had 30 years of maybe not perfect peace but Overwatch took care of the Shimada ninja clan, they took care of 13:09--- is sistematically going through and try to take out Overwatch agence even though Overwatch was disbanded 5 years ago, so , it makes you wonder like was 13:21--- behind the 13:24--- in he first place like, how long 13:26 has this organizations -------- to bring chaos and I guess we don't really know why they don't have any motivation to do that, I do know that we've seen a couple of spoilers in game of the charater called Dumfist and Dumfist it seems like it's more of a tittle, kind of like, uh, 13:44---, where's like one person is no longer Dumfist the next 13:50 person's on the weapon to become dubfist and I believe the 3 words were uh 13:58--- and then whatever the new one is, right, so you have someone who brought peace or at least you know, gave up some sort of hero vibe and then he was replaced by the 14:14--- that he has something to do with 14:20--- or when the 14:22--- and we know that the Dubfist weapon in the very very first Overwatch citematic we ever saw when it was an octopus, how long was that 2014? we saw Tracer and Winston and Reaper and Widowmaker in a museum and they're fighting over a giant metal fist that is the Dubfist right now so, I'm not sure if Winston is going to try to get Overwatch back together to maybe fight whoever that Dubfist the new hero is, I'm kind of 14:56--- I can't remember if it was the 14:58--- and the something ------- Im not sure but I know that Winston took out the last,...
I don't have time to do this today but please note the correct spelling of the word "blank".
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