Need some help betd, please thank u

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New member
Apr 8, 2016
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South Africa
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South Africa
Dear ms/mr

I am urgently need assistance with a letter I need to write to dept of education.

I'm planning to re-write one of my matric subject Geography. I went to St anna high school 280km from Home but now I 'm planning to re-write it at Boesmanland high school such Boesmanland High school is easily in my reach now 50km and nearest to my home.
Dpt of Education Ask me to write a letter to state my situation, the fact that I 'm re-writing in other school due to circumstances. So that they know were to find my dass point because they would go and look for it at Boesmanland assuming I was a student there.
My problem is, I don't know how to begin, what to say and what to leave, what is most important.

Please, a briefly example would be appreciated. Please thank you

My problem is, I don't know how to begin, what to say and what to leave, what is most important.
Don't worry. That's normal when writing a letter. In any case, you need to write your own letter; we can't do that for you. If you do decide to write your letter and post it here, we'll likely be able to help you with it. :)
What does "betd" mean in your title? Please note that "u" is not a word. It's "you".

I am in urgent need of help.

Do you want to change high schools?

I suggest that you post your letter here, and we can help you make changes.

What does it mean to rewrite a subject?
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