Need help with text for tattoos

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Sep 2, 2022
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i would be glad to get some help with a very private issue. I want to get tattooed with two letterings and may ask you to tell me if that letterings are grammatical correct and mainly, if it is familiar in colloquial english language. If not, i would appreciate some suggestions for adjustment.
Please dont judge the content of my letterings, its very personal.

No. 1

What has to be done, has to be done
The human nature is what it is
Behold the world with no consent
Relentless in discontent

No. 2

The difference between
Finding what you love
And loving what you found
Is killing again and again

Question related to No 2 is:
"Is killing again and again" or
"Kills again and again"

Thank you very much in advance for your help!
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Human nature is what it is. (No "the".)

The second one doesn't make sense no matter how you phrase it. However, if I had to choose one it would be the first one. (It's not as bad as the other one.)
It’s a pity we’re not allowed to judge the content of the letterings text.
Thank you very much for your reply.

I´m really astonished at your feedback related to No. 2.
This is nearly an original part of a lyrics of an american band :unsure:

Sorry, my mistake. I should have written "message".
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