[Essay] Need guidance on MFA SOP.

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vinati sehgal

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Sep 16, 2015
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Once in college, during our photography session, we had to click still life using an Olympus SLR. We were then taken to the dark room and shown the process of developing negatives into a photograph. It was during the chemical bath process, when the image had just started to get visible when I thought to myself, this is beautiful. Ever since childhood I’ve loved the camera. While there wasn’t ever one moment that made me decide to take up photography as my profession, there were many. The idea of being able to capture things happening around always gave me happiness. It is this happy rush that makes me want to click more and share.
I am applying to your MFA program in photography for the fall 2016. I’ve chosen photography specifically because; according to me it is the purest form of media that can document raw phase of art. The world is full of stories, but the ones that cross our paths mostly are the ones involving destruction, calamities, or struggles. With photography as a media I want to be able to travel the world to bring to surface the happier versions of life.
My keen interest in the art field started back in school, Gyan Bharati. I spent most of my high school years organizing various events like annual school exhibition; inter school and intra school events and competitions. Working towards creating a successful event helped me analyze the importance of art in society. Currently, I’m pursuing my BFA in Applied Arts from College of Art, New Delhi. This course has given me the much-needed exposure into the world of art and design. From watercolors and still life in foundation to learning about typography and design in my specialization and then finally designing posters, experiencing photography and offset printing to designing a full fledged ad campaign. In my MFA I want to explore the various aspects in the world of photography as well as work with experienced people in the field and learn about their respective methods and ideologies. Towards the end of the course I’m hoping to gain proper aesthetic sense and intellect required to be able to express my art.
In my second year I interned with Chilsag entertainment network, a theatre company dedicated to bring out unique stories through cinema and theatre. I got the opportunity to teach 2-13 year old kids about theatre and drama. I also worked on their upcoming bollywood movie. The experience brought me closer to the world of storytelling. While storyboarding for the project I was asked to concentrate on the emotions depicted by each character and I realized, how a simple curve of the lip could the change the whole expression of the character.
The course curriculum of your esteemed institution is a perfect mix of technology and aesthetic sense required to be successful in the field. I’m particularly excited to be working with your renowned faculty, professional artists and critics as well as students from the field.
I look forward to the opportunity of joining _____________ for MFA in Photography and take your legacy forward.
Once [STRIKE]in college[/STRIKE], during our photography session in college, we had to [STRIKE]click[/STRIKE] take a still life using an Olympus SLR. We were then taken to the darkroom and shown the process of developing negatives. [STRIKE]into a photograph.[/STRIKE] It was during the chemical bath process, when the image had just started to [STRIKE]get[/STRIKE] become visible [STRIKE]when[/STRIKE] that I thought to myself: this is beautiful. Ever since childhood I've loved the camera. [STRIKE]While[/STRIKE] There wasn't [STRIKE]ever[/STRIKE] one moment that made me decide to take up photography as my profession; there were many! The idea of being able to capture pictures of things (happening) around me always gave me happiness. It is this happy rush that makes me want to click more and share.

I am applying to your MFA program in photography for the fall 2016 intake. I've chosen photography specifically because [STRIKE]according to[/STRIKE] for me it is the purest form of media that can document raw [STRIKE]phase of[/STRIKE] art. The world is full of stories, but the ones that [STRIKE]cross our paths mostly[/STRIKE] we see on the news are the ones involving destruction, calamities, or struggles. With photography as a media I want to be able to travel the world to bring to the fore [STRIKE]surface[/STRIKE] the happier [STRIKE]versions[/STRIKE] moments of life.

My keen interest in [STRIKE]the[/STRIKE] art [STRIKE]field[/STRIKE] started back inmy school, Gyan Bharati. I spent most of my high school years organizing various events like the annual school exhibition, inter-school and intra-school events and competitions. Working towards creating a successful event helped me [STRIKE]analyze[/STRIKE] realize the importance of art in society. Currently, I'm pursuing my BFA in Applied Arts [STRIKE]from[/STRIKE] at the College of Art, New Delhi. This course has given me [STRIKE]the much-needed[/STRIKE] valuable exposure [STRIKE]in[/STRIKE] to the world of art and design, from watercolors and still life in foundation to learning about typography and design in my specialization and then finally designing posters, experiencing photography and offset printing [STRIKE]to[/STRIKE] and designing a full fledged ad campaign. In my MFA, I want to explore the various aspects in the world of photography as well as work with experienced people in the field and learn about their respective methods and ideologies. Towards the end of the course I'm hoping to gain the proper aesthetic sense and intellect required to be able to express my art.

In my second year I interned with Chilsag Entertainment Network, a theatre company dedicated to bring out unique stories through cinema and theatre. I got the opportunity to teach 2-13 year-old kids about theatre and drama. I also worked on one of their [STRIKE]upcoming[/STRIKE] Bollywood movies. The experience brought me closer to the world of storytelling. While storyboarding for the project, I was asked to concentrate on the emotions depicted by each character and I realized, how a simple curve of the lip could the change the whole expression of the character.

The course curriculum of your esteemed institution is a perfect mix of technology and aesthetic sense required for a professional photographer to be successful in the field. [STRIKE]I'm[/STRIKE] I would be particularly excited to [STRIKE]be[/STRIKE] work [STRIKE]ing[/STRIKE] with your renowned faculty, professional artists and critics as well as students [STRIKE]from[/STRIKE] in the field.

I look forward to the opportunity of joining the _____________ [STRIKE]for [/STRIKE]MFA in Photography. [STRIKE]and take your legacy forward.[/STRIKE]

My best regards,

Vinatii Sehgal.
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