Need guidance for Critical Discourse Analysis of Novel

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Zan Iftikhar

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Apr 30, 2018
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I need your help please. I have to prepare research proposal on '' Power n Identity in Mohsin Hamid's Exit West, A Critical Discourse Analysis"
Would you tell me please how to start introduction, What should i describe in intro n literature review. N would should be methodology? If anyone is having research proposal sample on CDA of any novel. Please do share. It would be a great favour.
Thank you.

I need your help please. I have to prepare a research proposal on ''Power and Identity in Mohsin Hamid's Exit West - A Critical Discourse Analysis".

Would you tell me please how to start the introduction, what [STRIKE]should[/STRIKE] I should describe in the introduction and the literature review, [STRIKE]N[/STRIKE] and [STRIKE]would[/STRIKE] what [STRIKE]should[/STRIKE] [STRIKE]be[/STRIKE] the methodology should be? If anyone [STRIKE]is having[/STRIKE] has a research proposal sample [STRIKE]on[/STRIKE] of a CDA of any novel, please do share. It would be a great favour.
Thank you.

Please note my multiple corrections above. You seem to have a problem with writing the word "and". Note that "n" is not a word in any variant of English.

If we helped you, it would be more than a great favour. It would tantamount to cheating as far as I can tell. You have to come up with your own research proposal!
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The literature review should look at the texts that you have read that you consider to be related to the task. What have you read that is relevant?
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