Narration relies on a more natural pattern of organization than other types of writing

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Mar 14, 2010
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"Narration relies on a more natural pattern of organization than other types of writing. "
I have some questions about the above comparative sentence.
1. Instead of "than other types of writing", can I also use "than do other types of writing", a similar structure as "The western part generally receives less snow than does the eastern part."?
2. If the two sentences are both correct, are there rules as to when to use "than something/someone does" and "than does something/someone"?
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1. Instead of "than other types of writing", can I also use"than do other types of writing", a similar structure as "The western part generally receives less snow than does the eastern part."?
Yes. That would be an improvement on the original.
2. If the two sentences are both correct,
Stick to the formula you suggested. Otherwise, you risk running into ambiguities.
Chance22, as usual, we need to know the source and author of the quoted text. :rolleyes:
Chance22, as usual, we need to know the source and author of the quoted text. :rolleyes:
Actually, it's a multiple-choice question for grammar. I just don't get it why I'm supposed to use "than other types of writing" because I don't see anything wrong with "than do other types of writing"
Actually, it's a multiple-choice question for grammar.
This doesn't tell us the source or author. Is it from an online exercise? Please provide a link. If it's from a book, please tell us the name of the book and the author.
I just don't get it why I'm supposed to use "than other types of writing" because I don't see anything wrong with "than do other types of writing"
I think the version without "do" sounds more natural than the one with it. It's a word shorter because the word "do" has been elided, which is common practice in such sentences. But you're asking why you can't use a longer version, which I find a little surprising.
"The western part generally receives less snow than does the eastern part."?
This sounds a little stiff to me because of the positioning of "does". If you want to use "does", put it at the end.
The western part generally receives less snow than the eastern part does.

But it works fine without "does".
The western part generally receives less snow than the eastern part.
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