My homeroom teacher

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Dec 27, 2010
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South Korea
Do you have any term like "homeroom teacher", which means a teacher in charge of your class before and after all the classes? In Korea, students from elementary to high schools stay in a designated class to which teachers visit for teaching, so they need such a teacher. I don't know where this homeroom teachers comes from.

gz89)My homeroom teacher let me go home early.
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In the UK, it's form teacher.

In the US, in middle and high school students report for the day to a homeroom teacher. This teacher takes attendance and handles administrative tasks that all students require.

The students then go to different classrooms for each "period" (usually 8 per day) according to their academic schedule. They don't go back to homeroom at the end of the day.
Does a homeroom teacher have his/her own room where the students get together or do students go to his or her office for reporting?
I'm asking this as in Korea we have a designated room for both the homeroom teacher and the students, and during the day they don't move to other classes with each subject's teacher visiting the room.
... in Korea we have a designated room for both the homeroom teacher and the students, and during the day they don't move to other classes with each subject's teacher visiting the room.
Is the word I've underlined a mistake? You wrote this in an earlier post:
In Korea, students from elementary to high schools don't stay in a designated class to which teachers visit for teaching, so they need such a teacher.
Sorry, I made a mistake in the previous post. They don't move during the day. So Koreans students are curious if American or British students have a designated room to be shared with their homeroom teachers.
When they go to college in Korea, the system definitely changes with no homeroom teacher and no designated room as well. I went to a college in Cananda, so I can't compare elementary to high school system between the two countries.
In many British secondary schools, pupils/students are members of a tutor group or form, which has one classroom as a base where they normally meet once a day for registration and routine activities. Their form teacher or form tutor has a role in the school's system of pastoral care. After the session with the form tutor, often known as tutorial, the pupils/students move off to their lessons in whichever classrooms these are held. Depending on how the classes are organised in their school, the pupils may stay together as a teaching group, or they may split up into different teaching groups or sets. They may, or may not, be taught by their form tutor in one or more subjects.
Every teacher is a homeroom teacher for someone. So homeroom meets in that teacher's classroom. Say your homeroom teacher is also the Spanish teacher and you're taking Spanish. Then you would return to that same classroom for Spanish class at some point during the day.
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