My friend asks me to go see a movie. What's the difference between saying: I've alr

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My friend asks me to go see a movie.

What's the difference between saying:

I've already seen it twice.


I've already saw it twice.

Are both the same?
I can't believe you think "I've saw' is grammatical.
Sorry, I meant :

I've already seen it twice.


I already saw it twice.

Do they mean the same?
They do, but #1 is a more natural response in this context.
Both options work for me.
We frequently stumble across the BrE vs AmE difference.

In BrE, only "I've already seen it [twice]" would be used. AmE uses the simple past in this context - "I already saw it". The latter is very unnatural in BrE in that context.
Yes. We often skip the present perfect when it is not necessary.
Can I say that "I've seen it two times."?
You can but it's not natural. We use "twice" in almost every context.
I might say, "I've already seen it two times." That's for emphasis. Certainly you need this construct for more than twice.
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