[Essay] Motivation letter for Masters application

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Nov 10, 2015
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Greekfamilies never miss an opportunity to get together and engage inlively discussions. The meeting place for such discussions istraditionally the family dinner table; in my house it was in front ofthe television while watching the evening news. It started while Iwas a child; I would watch my father, who had studied economics andhad his own business, passionately comment on the financial currentevents of the world. As I got older, I started reading newspapersand magazines associated with world news, economics and marketing,thus enabling me to participate more actively in these discussionswith my father. My interest in business took a more academic turn,however and upon finishing high school I decided to major in businessEconomics at Aristotle University in Thessaloniki.It was here that Igained knowledge of a broad scope in business, and where I pinpointedthe area that interested me the most: Marketing.

Myinterest in marketing surfaced relatively early on in my studies whenI attended courses in Marketing Research as well as StrategicMarketing and Strategic Management. What I enjoyed most about thesecourses was that we were able to take the theory we were taught andthen apply it through various exercises. The ability to utilizetheory practically fascinated me and I wanted to take all mynewly-gathered knowledge and apply it to the finances of my ownfamily! My lessons in marketing also integrated critical analysisand marketing management techniques, which added an additional layerof interest while taking advantage of my strengths in thoseparticular areas.

Besidesthe college academics I was actively involved in the extra-curricularactivities of the university.The driving force behind all this wasmy aim to develop all the aspects of my personality.In this process Icould not achieve the grades I wanted to in the first and secondyear.Therefore, I do not feel that the marks I scored are the soleindicators of my understanding of the subject. A cogent reason toaugment my belief is the third and forth year of my studies, whereunder the supervision of Professor Haralampos Spathis, with strongfocus and hard work I excelled in my graduation with distinction.

As far asmy work experience is concerned, I have acquired practical knowledgeof the tools of Marketing in Business when I had been working as anAssistant Manager in my family's business , which has to do withsales of second hand vehicles. Moreover, I was running a project forbusiness's market share increase.Using various implementations ofMarketing in Businees I managed to increase business's market shareby 11%.To be more specific I was using radio and e-mail advertismentand I sponsored local sport teams and communities aswell.Furthermore, Marketing Research had proved crucial for company'sexpansion. By using Microsoft tools I could find customers' needs andpreferences and I made reasonable product offers.Finally, it was myresponsibility to manage the company's personnel.I used to set weeklytargets in order to make them more effective and self-motivated.Ialways enjoyed the trust of the staff.This was a personal experiencethat I am proud of and which sharpened the organization ,team workingand communicational skills I will need to meet the highly competitivedemands of this master’s.

Havinggained two years experience in Greece within Assistant Managementsupport, I felt well-prepared for the next step of my career.Thus Ihave recently moved to UK in order to improve my English and acquireinternational work experience.I usually volunteer in Museums and Artevents as well.Because of my passion for Marketing, I always choosevolunteer positions which are related to Marketing Research andMarketing Branding.Furthermore, I have curently been workingpart-time in sales industry, gaining knowledge in direct Marketingconsumer behaviour and influencing skills which can be vital in orderto be competitive enough for this master’s in Marketing.

Not onlyduring my university years but also in my working time it has been atime when I have solidified my career goals.I would like to seekemployment in both academic and business world I will deal withplanning and running advertisment and marketing campaigns for some ofthe biggest brands in the UK and overseas. In the short-term, Iwould like to work in an advertisment agency or in a blue chipcompany offering my expertise in the practices and operationprocedures of business and the market thereby helping both myemployers and my clients and rise to the levels of upper management. One of my long-term goals is to establish my own Marketng consultancyfirm.

To achievemy goals, I must be armed with the best education possible; thereforethe MSc in Marketing is of paramount importance. A master’s degreewill take my knowledge of marketing to a new level, aiding jobprospects. I believe the MSc to be a fundamental tool in today’scompetitive job market where to succeed you must have specialised andadvanced skills and remain abreast of all developments in your field. For me, the MSc is the road to gaining a position where I willprovide an important service to my clients thus improving theirlives.

The MSc isa great source of personal satisfaction as well. Apart from allowingme to gain new and advanced knowledge in the subject matter of myinterest, an MSc in marketing will put me into contact withprofessors who are a resource of infinite measure. More than justthe bestowers of theoretical knowledge, they provide a new way ofteaching, as well as opinions and insights into the real world ofmarketing.

WhenI began researching masters programmes one ofthe things that stood out about dddddwas its relative short history. That is, despite being somewhat new,it has managed to stand out as one of the best business schools inthe UK. This is a testament to the quality of education theuniversity has to offer. Through my research I have learned that graduates of dddddBusiness School are employed in top positions at some of the mostworld-renowned marketinginstitutions. This is extremely important to me firstly because itis further proof of the education and preparation students atUniversity of ddddreceive but also because being a Cass alumnus will be a greatadvantage when I seek employment. A further reason for mydesire to attend University of ddddd is the accreditation the MSc inMarketing has received from the Chartered Financial AnalystsInstitute. There could be no better seal of approval than thisparticular recognition.

There areother factors that have also influenced my decision to apply to dddddBusiness School. One of the added benefits of university of ddddd is its location.The city of dddd plays an important role inmarketing and social developments. One of the largest cities in theUK, it is a truly international city where I can only benefit fromcoming into contact with such diversity. I recently had theopportunity to visit the Cass campus, which strengthened my interestin the school. During my visit, I was able to meet with a member ofthe admissions staff who was more than accommodating in answering allof my questions. During my visit I also spoke to students and foundthat we shared similar qualities: high motivation to improvecontinuously and the desire to be pioneers in our academic fields. Ibelieve I can fit in perfectly at ddddd because apart from what I cangain I believe the institution can only benefit from students whohave the drive to succeed.

Greece hasbeen one of the epicentres of the current financial crisis and mustmake great efforts to come out of its deep recession. In thiscurrent climate, there are many who advise the youth of Greece toemigrate in order to seek a better future. I, on the other hand,want to take the knowledge and experience I will have acquired abroadand use it in my homeland to help the progress of Greece. Morespecifically, since many people believe the marketing sector hasplayed a major role in the current recession, I feel a particularobligation to provide services that will challenge this opinion.

We are inthe midst of a worldwide financial crisis. During this period Iwould like to be at dddddd, an institution in a position to show usthe way out of this crisis. I do not want to be merely a bystanderbut to be in a position where I can make changes and give solutionsto problems. In other words, I want to create news, not just readabout it or discuss it as I did in my youth in Greece. This can beaccomplished through the knowledge and capabilities I will haveacquired during my postgraduate studies.
Greekfamilies never miss an opportunity to get together and engage inlively discussions. The meeting place for such discussions istraditionally the family dinner table; in my house it was in front ofthe television while watching the evening news. It started while Iwas a child; I would watch my father, who had studied economics andhad his own business, passionately comment on the financial currentevents of the world. As I got older, I started reading newspapersand magazines associated with world news, economics and marketing,thus enabling me to participate more actively in these discussionswith my father. My interest in business took a more academic turn,however and upon finishing high school I decided to major in businessEconomics at Aristotle University in Thessaloniki.It was here that Igained knowledge of a broad scope in business, and where I pinpointedthe area that interested me the most: Marketing.

Two things. All throughout this essay you run your words together (starting with the first two words). Second, say:

It started when I was a child.

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