Most of current BBs aren't so good that their effort to balance would do much

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Aug 4, 2022
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Could someone please correct this sentence?

"Most of current BBs aren't so good that their effort to balance would do much"

My understanding is that 'would' needs to be changed to 'wouldn't' to make any sense at all, however I'd personally re-structure/write the majority of the sentence... Expert please help!

many thanks
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"Most of current BBs aren't so good that their effort to balance would do much."

My understanding is that 'would' needs to be changed to 'wouldn't' to make any sense at all. However, I'd personally re-structure/rewrite the majority of the sentence. Experts, please help!

Many thanks.
Please note my corrections above. Before we continue, please provide the source and author of the original sentence.
Thank you for the swift reply!

The original sentence is from a friend, I suggested that it would read better by changing 'would' to wouldn't. Evidently this was incorrect.

Thanks again.
Welcome to the forum, tdv.

Please note that I put your question in the main body of your post and changed your thread title.

Thread titles must contain some or all of the words/phrases you are asking about.
"Most of current BBs aren't so good that their effort to balance would do much"

I can't make sense of the sentence. What are BBs? Effort to balance what?
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I assume he means ball bearings. Their quality is so poor that attempts to balance a bearing full of them is futile.

Yes, use "wouldn't."
I read 'BB' as the small diameter shot pellet, such as air gun ammunition, and was quite confused. However, Dave's interpretation makes more sense.

Perhaps the OP could post a bit more context, and explain the situation. We need to understand what we're trying to physically accomplish before we can offer suggestions as to grammar and wording.
Thank you for all your replies here ladies & gents!

To clarify, "BB" is an acronym for a community and the balancing aspect is regarding the strength / knowledge of a team based sport - balancing the teams for a fair game.
Well, that's nothing like we were thinking.

The BB's aren't actually doing the balancing, right? Then it should be something like "Most BB's aren't very good, so efforts to balance the teams wouldn't do much."

(And I looked it up. Bearing balls, as found in ball bearings, are not to be confused with the name of the BB gun projectiles. Those are named because the size of the balls is about the same as BB-size birdshot.)
Thank you for all your replies here ladies & gents!

To clarify, "BB" is an acronym for a community and the balancing aspect is regarding the strength / knowledge of a team based sport - balancing the teams for a fair game.
By "balancing", do you mean "coaching/training"?
By "balancing", do you mean "coaching/training"?
No, balancing the amount of skilled / experienced players on each side.
No, balancing the amount number of skilled/experienced players on each side.
See above. Use "number of" with countable nouns and "amount of" with uncountable nouns. Don't put a space either side of a slash.
See above. Use "number of" with countable nouns and "amount of" with uncountable nouns. Don't put a space either side of a slash.
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