Micro-Teaching Trouble

  • Thread starter cape_carnival
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Hi, I'm a University Student doing "Introduction to English Language Teaching"

I have to do a 10minute Micro-teaching session on "one aspect of your native language or a language in which you are fluent" for english my course guide suggested "different accents" (I don't really "know" any other accents") or the surprising pronunciation of a name?

Currently I'm only fluent in English, and I'm having trouble figuring out what aspect I can teach to a university level class of students that they won't already know.

any ideas? anything would be much appreciated
Hi, I'm a University Student doing "Introduction to English Language Teaching"

I have to do a 10minute Micro-teaching session on "one aspect of your native language or a language in which you are fluent" for english my course guide suggested "different accents" (I don't really "know" any other accents") or the surprising pronunciation of a name?

Currently I'm only fluent in English, and I'm having trouble figuring out what aspect I can teach to a university level class of students that they won't already know.

any ideas? anything would be much appreciated
try this one:http://www.21accents.com/21_Accents/Welcome.html
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