May you help me to correct the dialogue, please?

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Sep 28, 2023
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Topic: Student’s appearance influences their interaction wit classmates.

—I believe that school uniforms have an impact on the communication with classmates, because I had a case when I came to school wearing expensive things, and the reaction of my classmates was aggressive. I think a school uniform makes all students equal and they will not worry about their appearance. And what do you think it depends on?

—I suppose it depends on your worldview; If your classmates have this reaction, it means they are used to thinking this way. That’s why schools usually require a school uniform, this way students are not distracted by extraneous things.

—Moreover, one day, when my classmate and I are going to the shopping center, she dressed very nicely, but I dressed casual clothes and I felt embarrassed. What would you do in such a situation?
—In this situation, I would agree in advance with my classmate about the appearance in order to avoid such a situation. What can we conclude?

conclusion: —well, you need to adapt to the place where you are going and negotiate with the person where you are going.
What is the purpose of this dialogue? Where did you find the topic?
We need to make a video for the competition.
In that case, I think you should do the work yourselves without any outside help. It's like asking for help with an assignment or homework, which the forum rules make it clear is not permitted.
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