Map the Caps Lock key to Ctrl


Feb 24, 2015
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The sentence is authored by me in terms of its source. It begins with a simple verb, thus constituting a command.
When I say "mapping a key to another key on the keyboard," I mean making the Caps Lock key behave like the CTRL key.

Which of these two sounds more natural? The second option is more explicit, although I'm not sure if necessary because those in the tech field understand what "Ctrl" is without specifying "key".

1. Map the Caps Lock key to Ctrl.
2. Map the Caps Lock key to the Ctrl key.

Also, I think I need to use the term "Remap" because "Caps Lock" already serves its own function before I intend to repurpose it to function as "Ctrl". Is that correct?

1. Remap the Caps Lock key to Ctrl.
It's understandable.
If you hadn't explained what you meant, I would have had no idea what "map" meant in that context.

The sentence is authored by me in terms of its source I wrote the following sentence:

"Mapping a key to another key on the keyboard."

It begins with a simple verb, thus constituting a command. When I say "mapping a key to another key on the keyboard", I mean making the Caps Lock key behave like the CTRL key.
Note my changes above.

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