Making sentences without grammar mistakes... Comments and suggestions are welcome...

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Feb 12, 2014
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Spending money for sports in schools (topic)
Spending money for sports in schools is good for students. Almost all students want to participate in extracurricular activities like sports, music, painting, cooking, games etc. I believe, not every student is a brilliant or a genius or a sports person. Every person on the earth has got some talent. Encouraging them, supporting them in schools is a very good thing.

Spending money for all activities including study, sports, music...etc is worthwhile. Schools are the foundation for every student, It should spend money on every activity.
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When will you submit this essay to your teacher/tutor?
When will you submit this essay to your teacher/tutor?

Thanks for reply.

Actually , I am not a student , I saw this article in the newspaper and I created my own sentences. I want to improve language by writing. I am not good at writing.
OK, then the first thing you should do is click "Edit Post" and tidy it up. The lines break in strange places. Make it one or two complete paragraphs so that the words continue all the way across the text box like this post. Also, you don't need a double line break except between paragraphs. Note the correct spelling of "genius".

In addition, we don't put a space before a comma. Look at the spacing around your punctuation in post #3.
OK, then the first thing you should do is click "Edit Post" and tidy it up. The lines break in strange places. Make it one or two complete paragraphs so that the words continue all the way across the text box like this post. Also, you don't need a double line break except between paragraphs. Note the correct spelling of "genius".

In addition, we don't put a space before a comma. Look at the spacing around your punctuation in post #3.

I have edited my post, please check and let me know about errors.
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