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Oct 28, 2014
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Czech Republic

Can anybody explain to me what the author means by loose-coupled?

A woman was standing in the doorway, looking at me without moving. Seeing the bulk of her I wondered how she had managed to come within ten feet of me without making enough sound to attract my attention. She must have weighed all of a hundred and eighty pounds, and her big, loose-coupled body did not look as if it were easy to control.

Edge of Running Water by William Sloane, 1939.

Thanks a lot.
Like her body parts were not attached very tightly.
You don't need to have your body parts "attached" unless you are grossly obese and flabby.
You don't need to have your body parts "attached" unless you are grossly obese and flabby.

That is surely one of the most nonsensical sentences I have ever read.
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