Looking for authentic classroom videos...

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Apr 18, 2009
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Hi all,

Is there any site dedicated to ESL/EFL issues where we can find authentic classroom videos? I've already searched a lot but didn't come up with anything interesting. Hope I can get some help here.
Do you mean videos of lessons? I searched YouTube for ESL lesson observation and there were many results.

Depends on your learners' age group. I use a good film series with teenagers or young adults called 'extr@' from British Channel 4 TV. It features a group of friends who live in flats in London and is available in some countries free online, as a DVD from Channel 4 or can be found by searching in YouTube.

I have a free 'online' eBook course loosely based on the series here Course: EFL - English Language Course for Adolescent Beginners Links to film sources are listed and the eBook is called 'The Story of Bridget and Annie'.

Main website here S4L

Hope that might be of interest.


Try MC Fluency's songs and lessons on You Tube or on their website at colloandsparks.com (I think). You can just google all this and you'll find their videos. I love his songs and I use them with my own students who have a blast singing and watching his Youtube videos.

Good luck!
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Hi all,

Is there any site dedicated to ESL/EFL issues where we can find authentic classroom videos? I've already searched a lot but didn't come up with anything interesting. Hope I can get some help here.

May be you can try My Oxford English - YouTube It´s My Oxford´s English Course youTube channel and allthough I haven´t seen all of them, I can say that this English course is really good. Just try and see if it works for you. Hope you enjoy tehm!
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