Looking for a term in English

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Jun 24, 2021
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Hello everyone,

I am working on a research and I am looking for a term/word to describe the following:
The process when you 'pick' an item from a warehouse and you scan the barcode on the item and then the inventory level is updated automatically.

I saw a term called "write off stocks" but it does not seem like a term that is frequently used.
Barcoding of stock/inventory
Barcoding of stock/inventory

Thank you for your response. But I want to distinguish between scanning an item when it is added to the warehouse of a company and a term when the item is scanned because it is removed from the warehouse.
Hello everyone,

I am working on a research project, and I am looking for a term or word to describe the [STRIKE]following: The[/STRIKE] process by which you [STRIKE]'[/STRIKE]pick[STRIKE]'[/STRIKE] an item from a warehouse and [STRIKE]you[/STRIKE] scan the barcode [STRIKE]on the item[/STRIKE] and [STRIKE]then[/STRIKE] the inventory level is updated automatically.

I saw a term called "write off stocks"
but it does not seem like a term that is frequently used.

That's a financial term. Investors write off unprofitable stocks to reduce their taxes. It is used frequently, but it has nothing to do with barcodes or inventory.
Welcome, Zxxx!
Welcome, Zxxx!

Thank you for your response. The term "write off stocks" is indeed not what I am looking for. Do you have any other suggestion?
Otherwise I will describe it as: "When a carrier is empty, the barcode should be scanned to reduce the component's inventory level in the database". We have a term in Dutch which describes the explanation in one term, but I am afraid that there is no such term in English.
That certainly says it well enough. There might be a retail industry term none of us has heard.
Thank you for your response. But I want to distinguish between scanning an item when it is added to the warehouse of a company and a term when the item is scanned because it is removed from the warehouse.

The scanner reads information from the label of a bar-coded item and transfer it to the computer. How the information is to be used, whether it is to be added or subtracted from the system, is done at the computer using software and controlled by the operator. It is a separate step from the scanning. I can imagine the operator pressing a button or two after doing the scanning for the computation. I don't see how they can be treated as a single operation.
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Short answer: I don't think there is a single English word to describe this. You could say computerized perpetual inventory management.

I used to be in a related business. When cash registers first became networkable computers it was Wal-mart who pioneered the idea that each retail sale automatically generated a replenishment order to the warehouse. The old process of checking stock and reordering was instantly obsolete and the savings were enormous.
Barcode stock-in/stock-out inventory?
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