[Vocabulary] look over vs go over

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Sep 14, 2013
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- This is a very complex computer program. You might need to ............... the instructions again before you get the hang of it.

In this sentence I have to put the correct verb, but I do not have any suggestions...I was thinking about "look over", which means "to examine", but a friend of mine, has written "go over"...which means "to examine" too...what do you think about it? Do you think they both can go?
I checked them in the dictionary and it says they both could mean "to examine".

Thank you very much.
Do they have to be phrasal verbs? I was thinking just "read" or "read through" maybe "review."

Either "go over" or "look over" would work.
They should be phrasal verbs...but the question is this: do they both mean "examine"? does a native speaker use them in every context when he/she wants to mean "examine"? Can they always replace "examine" in every context?
"Look over" seems more cursory to me than "go over" but it would be a bad test question if one were marked right and one were marked wrong.

"Look over" feels more like a quick review, while "go over" feels more intense.
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