letter of enquiry

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Sep 9, 2015
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further, to your conversation with Maria regards job inquiry. I am sending you my CV enclosed with covering letter stating my recent situation. Thank you in advance for your co-operation.

Do you have a question for us?
thank you for your reply I forgot to enclose the enquiry letter with my short email I will attach it later
Further (no comma here) to your conversation with Maria [STRIKE]regards[/STRIKE] regarding the job inquiry, I am [STRIKE]sending[/STRIKE] enclosing [STRIKE]you[/STRIKE] my CV [STRIKE]enclosed with[/STRIKE] and covering letter. [STRIKE]stating my recent situation.[/STRIKE] [STRIKE]Thank you in advance for your co-operation.[/STRIKE]

Thank you for your reply. I forgot to enclose the enquiry letter with my short email. I will attach it later.

Note my changes above. You still haven't asked us a question.
Thank you very much indeed. it seems better with corrections, I really appreciate if you can correct my new email
letter to my nasty neighbour ....I appreciate Some suggestions to improve my email

I give you my number to have a friendly conversation when we need, apparently you took advantage and sending me disgusting messages.
Which I can not tolerate any more such irresponsible languages, therefore I decided to not contact you anymore and block your contact and if you had any problem you can discuss with the housing.
Furthermore, if you knock our door again or talking outside the building and threshing my family as you did last time, W e will call the police immediately
We are both academic I am not using the same language as yours and not allowing myself to reply to your Nazism expression.
Finally, my 3 years old daughter can run and walk as much as she likes from 7 am to 10 pm according to the law and nobody can stop her and if you don't like it you can drink some cold water.
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I would be very careful with letters/emails like this. Your wording is very emotive and it's always better to be conciliatory in such correspondence. I would write something like "I would like to talk to you in person about some of the things that have been happening recently between our households. Please call me to set up a time for us to meet somewhere neutral so that we can discuss these issues. Thank you."
Thank you for your prompt reply, I understand your concern, if I was living in the UK then I would take your advise, but I am in Vienna/Austria and if I am not showing my strong characters, he will taking advantage...I will send you some of his expression
I know this is not your problem but my reply is reflecting his letter, I know it is a bit hush and I suppose I can write with less flame. you can help..
below is his writing

It worked for some weeks, what has changed. it was the last days not one day. you dont live in a single flat house. there is a nice garden and a lot of parks to play. If you dont understand maybe i should come upstairs to talk again.
Interessanter weise ist es jetzt sehr ruhig. Sollten sie meinen Standpunkt nicht verstehen werde ich diesen gerne auf deutsch nocheinmal erklären. Da sie es aber nicht als nötig empfinden, die sprache zu lernen in dem land sie leben, werde ich es auch gerne ihrer frau erklären.
He is writing in German language that I should learn German while I am on their land ... I thought This is discrimination language
My German's not what it was so I resorted to Google Translate for the German part. It came up with "Interestingly as it is now very quiet. If they do not understand my point, I will explain this happy again in German. Since they did not find it necessary to learn the language in the country they live, i will also like to explain it to their wife."

From your original post, it appears that this neighbour has been complaining about the noise made by your child. Is that right? The first part of your previous post suggests that the person is saying that it improved for a short time but that the noise has been bad for the last few days, not just on one day. Is that right? I'm not asking if your child has been noisy. I'm just asking if I have understood the messages correctly.

I'm not sure that I agree with your statement that he is being discriminatory. It is important for anyone to learn the language if they want to live in a foreign country. I don't know how long you have been living there but presumably you are taking classes somewhere.

I have just noticed that your member profile says "Current location : Great Britain" and "Home Country : Great Britain". You have already stated that you are currently living in Austria and the standard of your English does not suggest that you grew up in Great Britain. Please amend your profile so that all sections contain true information.
Thank you again, you are right originally from Turkey but finish my University in UK and currently living in Vienna....in this case if you if you were living in Dubai you should learn Arabic?
Yes. If I moved to a foreign country, I would learn at least the basics of that language before I moved there and I would continue with my studies once I'd arrived there. I would want to communicate with the locals in their own language.
I used to live in Spain. Before I moved there, I studied at home for six months and once I was there, I tried to speak Spanish at every available opportunity.

You still haven't updated your profile information. Home Country should read "Turkey" and Current Location should read "Austria".
Thank you for your time and advice, I appreciate every word you wrote to me. anyway I realised that I had some mistakes and should read it before posting.
threshing my family should be threatening and run and walk as much as she likes should be Running and walking inside our apartment and Nazism expression should be racist abuse?
Now you suggest I should come down a bit and think twice before send such as letter.
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Thank you for your time and advice. I appreciate every word you wrote to me. Anyway, I realised that ​I [STRIKE]had[/STRIKE] made some mistakes and that I should [STRIKE]read[/STRIKE] make some corrections to it before sending it. [STRIKE]like[/STRIKE]
For example, "threshing" my family should be (space required here) [STRIKE]therathning[/STRIKE] "threatening" and "run and walk as much as she likes" should be "running and walking inside our flat" and "Nazism expression" should be (space required here) "racist abuse".

[STRIKE]so now[/STRIKE] Do you [STRIKE]suggust[/STRIKE] suggest that I [STRIKE]should[/STRIKE] [STRIKE]come[/STRIKE] calm down a bit and think twice before sending such [STRIKE]as[/STRIKE] a letter?

I never recommend sending letters that will probably exacerbate the situation further.

With regard to "Nazism expressions", you should definitely leave that out. In my opinion, the person has not used "racist abuse" either. It would be racist if they had specifically attacked you as a Turkish person. They didn't. They said they thought you should learn German if you're living in Austria.
Maybe this is how I write to him
I was being neighbourly when I give you my number to have a friendly conversation together. I never expected that you would start sending me disgusting and offensive messages. I cannot tolerate any such abusive language; therefore, I have decided to not contact you anymore and to block your number.

As an academic, one is bound by a strict code of conduct. I believe your abusive behaviour towards me and my family may be in breach of that code.

Furthermore, if you knock on our door again or if you threaten or intimidate me or any of my family as you did the last time, I shall not hesitate to call the police immediately.

Finally, my 3-year old daughter runs and walks like any normal child would. She does not make excessive noise; certainly not outside the hours of 7 am to 10 pm.

I do not wish to have further contact with you, so in future, discuss your problems with the building management.
You seem determined to fill your letter with words like "disgusting, offensive, intimidate" etc. Clearly, there is more to what has happened between you than you have told us. If you have in fact received threatening, intimidating, disgusting messages by phone, you probably should go to the police.

I have no idea what this "academic code of conduct" is. It means nothing in English.
What I like about your correction is you are dealing with any writing who I am sending it to you including the original text with your corrections and underlining them with red. This is amazing and I have to congratulate you for this also, you are going in details with the words and phrases and trying to change them to better phrases.
thank you so much again and you can see my letter been improving since your began to correct me.
Definitely, I will come back to you If I need further assistant, and I am sure you will correct this letter as well.
Finally the Guy doest know I am from Turkey and I will not send the above letter and I will sleep on it and wait for him to respond.
I'm not surprised. I found it odd that this thread started with a post about a missing CV and then moved suddenly on to this very different topic. I think we can safely say the OP has got more than enough opinions now.

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