Kindly confirm your availability for the call

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Jun 5, 2020
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Kindly confirm your availability for the call.

Does the above sentence mean there should be a schedule for the call?

Can it be used when you’re asking when someone is available for the call? Thanks
It doesn't mean anything unless the time is fixed. It is like someone telling you that they are available but don't know when.
Please let me know when you'll be available to take my call.

After the person tells you when they'll be available, you'll be able to fix a specific time.
Please let me know when you'll be available to take my call.

After the person tells you when they'll be available, you'll be able to fix a specific time.

But in the initial sentence, should there be a scheduled time for it to be correct?

“Kindly confirm your availability for the call”
Provided a time has already been mentioned, your sentence is fine.
Provided a time has already been mentioned, your sentence is fine.

If no time was mentioned previously, is it wrong?
See post number 2 by Tedmc.
Please confirm your availability for the call.

Does the above sentence mean there should be a scheduled time for the call?

It tells us that the call is already scheduled.

Can it be used when you’re asking when someone is available for the call?

No. You can't confirm what is not scheduled yet.

You want to ask when the person is available.

Punctuate the ends of all sentences, even if they're just one word.
If no time was mentioned previously, is it wrong?
Yes, it would be wrong. It can't be confirmed if if hasn't been scheduled.

You might want to review the definitions of the verbs schedule and confirm.
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