[Grammar] kind vs. kinds of thing vs. things

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Mar 16, 2014
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1. What kind of book is good for the young children?

2. What kind of books is good for the young children?

3. What kinds of book are good for the young children?

4. What kinds of books are good for the young children?

Are all the above sentences correct? Even if so, what is more commonly used?


1. What kind of book is good for [STRIKE]the[/STRIKE] young children? OK.

2. What kind of books is good for the young children? No.

3. What kinds of book are good for the young children? No.

4. What kinds of books are good for [STRIKE]the[/STRIKE] young children? OK.

Are all the above sentences correct? Even if so, what is more commonly used?


None of them were correct as written. 1 and 4 are correct with the definite article removed. I'd say number 4 is a little more common because it allows the possibility that more than one kind of book is good for young children.
I think that both 1 and 4 allow for the possibility of more than one kind of book being good for young children.

4 implies that the speaker thinks there are several kinds of books or is expecting the answer to show that there are.
What is wrong with 'the young children' when 'the old days' is correct?
'three kinds of cakes / cake' is an example expression given in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. On the same lines, can't we say 'kinds of book'?
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