Key binding or key bindings? (technical term)

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Feb 24, 2015
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Hello, does anyone know if the term "key binding" can be used for a combination of keys pressed, for example CTRL (Control) + SHIFT + m ? or should I use "key bindings" because there are three keys involved?
I've never heard or seen it used. Why not just say something like "press the spacebar while holding down the ALT key"?
No. A key binding is where a key or combination of keys is assigned to perform a task, such as ctrl-c to copy and ctrl-v to paste.

You could say something like "I bound the P key to the print command" or something similar. However, binding just refers to assigning the command to the keystroke, not the actual pressing of said keystroke(s). Binding isn't the same as triggering the command.

Often we refer to the pressing of the key combinations as 'hitting'.

Hit ctrl-x to cut the highlighted text. Hit windows key-shift-s to take a screenshot. Those keystrokes have been bound to cutting and taking screenshots..
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