Judy......sick if she had not eaten the leftovers

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Key Member
Nov 6, 2006
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Hong Kong
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Hong Kong
1. Judy......sick if she had not eaten the leftovers of the meal from yesterday.

My answer is : won't get
Model answer is : would not have got

2. How embarrassing ! All my pants ....out when I was about to carry my suitcase.

My answer is : had fallen
Model answer : fell

I don't understand my mistakes. Can anyone help?
Many thanks.
Re: Discussion of tenses

The words I have underlined are about a counterfactual past condition - Judy did actually eat the leftovers. The countefactual result of her hypothetical non- eating requites the 'would not have got' construction.

The 'being about to carry' and 'falling out' happened at the same time. The same past tense, past simple is appropriate for both.

Is it possible that you make another sentence with the same the counterfactual past condition under a hypothetical situation so I can understand better.?

Many thanks.
Ju, note that I have changed your thread title. Titles should include some/all of the words/phrases you are actually asking us about.
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