John had been working at the factory all day. He arrived home at about 2:30.

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Sep 30, 2019
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Is this correct and natural?

John had been working at the factory all day. He arrived home at about 2:30. Lisa was fast asleep. He sneaked into the bed under the blanket and hugged her from behind. Lisa recoiled, wriggling and flailing to set herself free. She pushed him aside. "You stink John. Go wash yourself," she said pushing him away.

Generally, if a person tries to free themselves from another person's hug, how can that be expressed?
Is this correct and natural?

John had been working at the factory all day. He arrived home at about 2:30. Lisa was fast asleep. He sneaked into the bed under the blanket and hugged her from behind. Lisa recoiled, wriggling and flailing to set herself free. She pushed him aside. "You stink, John. Go wash [STRIKE]yourself[/STRIKE]," she said, pushing him away.

Generally, if a person tries to free themselves from another person's hug, how can that be expressed?
It's fine.

She might say, "Take a shower." Just washing probably won't be enough.
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