[Grammar] "I've learned to play the piano since I entered college." What's the question to it?

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Jun 23, 2009
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"I've learned to play the piano since I entered college." What's the question to it?

As the title, what may be the proper question to the reply sentence?
"How long have you learned to play the piano?"
"When have you learned to play the piano?"
Thanks a lot.
Re: "I've learned to play the piano since I entered college." What's the question to

As the title, what may be the proper question to the reply sentence?
"How long have you learned to play the piano?"
"When have you learned to play the piano?"
Thanks a lot.

Neither one works for me. "What have you done since you entered college?" is possible.
Re: "I've learned to play the piano since I entered college." What's the question to

"When did you learn to play the piano?" could be answered with "I've learnt to play the piano [only] since I entered college". However, the more likely answer would be "I learnt to play the piano after I started college".

Bhaisahab's question is much more likely.
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