[Grammar] 'It has not rained since he's been here/he got here/his arrival.'

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Senior Member
Mar 6, 2011
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'It has not rained since he's been here/he got here/his arrival.'
The sentence is from an exercise from 'Ready for CAE' textbook. The aim of the exercise was to recognize which form is correct. I completely failed doing this. Apparently, all of them are correct. However, I don't know why and what they mean, especially the difference between the first two. Do they mean the same thing or are they different? How?

Thanks in advance
They all mean the same.
'It has not rained since he's been here/he got here/his arrival.'
The sentence is from an exercise from 'Ready for CAE' textbook. The aim of the exercise was to recognize which form is correct. I completely failed doing this. Apparently, all of them are correct. However, I don't know why and what they mean, especially the difference between the first two. Do they mean the same thing or are they different? How?

Thanks in advance

I agree with Rover.
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