It’s pointless … . a) asking her for help b) to ask help from her

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Apr 19, 2023
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Can't see how these sentences are different from each other.

It’s pointless … .
a) asking her for help
b) to ask help from her

Are they both correct? Which is better to use?
It’s pointless … .
a) asking her for help
b) to ask help from her

Are they both correct? Which is better to use?

Asking her for help would be pointless.


It would be pointless to ask her for help.
"It is pointless asking her for help" says to me that you've done it before but it hasn't worked (which might be exactly what you mean).
Both sentences are grammatically correct, but they differ slightly in their style and tone.

Sentence (a) "asking her for help" is a more common and natural way of expressing the idea. It is a simple and direct sentence that communicates the idea clearly.

Sentence (b) "to ask help from her" is also grammatically correct, but it sounds a bit more formal and may not be as commonly used in everyday conversation. It also includes the word "to" before the verb "ask," which can make the sentence sound slightly more complex.

Overall, both sentences are correct and convey the same meaning. However, sentence (a) is more commonly used and sounds more natural in most contexts.
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