is thought to be going to arrive


Jan 17, 2024
Member Type
Student or Learner
Native Language
Home Country
Russian Federation
Current Location
Russian Federation
Is it correct to use "to be going to" in this pattern? "He is thought to be going to arrive tomorrow". The example is mine.
It's grammatical and it makes sense but it's not natural, no. No one would say that, so it's no good.

What are you wondering? Whether you can use 'going to' after a passive 'be thought to' structure?
It's grammatical and it makes sense but it's not natural, no. No one would say that, so it's no good.

What are you wondering? Whether you can use 'going to' after a passive 'be thought to' structure?
Yeah, that was what I was wondering about.
You'd be more likely to hear something like 'He'll be arriving tomorrow, they say', or (if dubious) 'He should be arrriving tomorrow, apparently'.
Is it correct to use "to be going to" in this pattern? "He is thought to be going to arrive tomorrow". The example is mine.
I'm afraid that would confuse most native speakers. You could say, "We think he is going to arrive tomorrow." Or: "He's supposed to arrive tomorrow."

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