Is this okay: Drag and trans have been around in the west for a long time, in fact,

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Is this okay:

Drag and trans have been around in the west for a long time, in fact, I believe it originated from the United Kingdom, but what I don't understand is how can someone who was pure testosterone and as masculine as any man could be turn out to be a woman.
I've never heard "drag" used as a noun.
You need to break this into separate sentences. Do you want to try again?
Drag queens and trans have been around in the west for a long time, in fact, I believe they originated from the United Kingdom. What I don't understand is how can someone who was pure testosterone and as masculine as any man could be turn out to be a woman.

Transsexuals? transvestites? It makes a difference. Since you appear to casting a fairly broad net, you should expand on what you mean by 'trans'.
Drag queens don't assert that they are a woman in a man's body, ie. they tend not to be transsexual. Why are you claiming that men are pure testosterone? Men also have oestrogen, and women also have testosterone. Also, men don't "turn out" to be women. But these are not grammatical points.
Drag queens and transexuals/transvestites have been around in the west for a long time, in fact, I believe they originated from the United Kingdom. What I don't understand is how can someone who seemed to be full of testosterone and as masculine as any man could be feel like she was born in the wrong body.

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Yes, that is better.
Another factual point is that I doubt it originated in the UK. Maybe the typical vaudeville drag queens like Danny La Rue or Barry Humphries (Dame Edna) did. But you seem to be suggesting that drag queens are representative of transsexuals. There were transsexuals in all ancient societies that I know about. It's a biological condition, I believe, not simply a cultural construct like vaudeville acts are.
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Should it be- born with the wrong body or born in the wrong body.
Usually "born in[to] the wrong body". But that just relates to transsexuals, not necessarily to draq queens and transvestites. Some men just like dressing up as women - they don't necessarily believe they are women, or should have been women. They are not necessarily homosexual. Transvestites are often just ordinary men with a weird hobby.
Yeah, it's weird alright... I personally believe it's more acceptable for a man to dress up as a woman if the guy's homosexual or transgender... I mean if dressing up as a woman is a hobby, that's just...I don't even know anymore.
But why would a normal macho homosexual man want to dress as a woman? I suppose it could be more common than in heterosexual men. I suppose what I'm saying is that you can't just lump all these different types of people into one.
Yes, that makes sense... Homosexuals are attracted to men but don't necessarily identify as female. I don't know. It's all foreign to me.
The West is usually capitalized.

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