Is there an equivalent American slang word for British Mufti, civvies, civvies?

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Aamir Tariq

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Mar 28, 2016
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Civvy, civvies (plural) is a British slang word that refers to civilian attire as opposed to uniform. They also use Mufti to refer to the same in Britain. However, these slang words are more common in military. I don't know if they are used by other British people.

For more details have a look at this link

Now, my question is "Do we have an equivalent slang word in American English to refer to civilian clothes?

I would also like to know how they are referred to in informal or slangy version of Australian English.

Aamir the Global Citizen
Civvies is heard sometimes in American English.
"Civvies" is commonly used in BrE too. Some people will understand "mufti" but not all.
Beware the similar word "skivvies". In American military slang, it means "underwear".
It's recognisable in BrE with the same meaning.
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