Is it correct to ask this? Please give us advise with regards to my question.

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Junior Member
Apr 17, 2018
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hello everyone

I'm asking for an advice through email but I didn't receive any feedback. Is it correct to ask this? " Please give us advise with regards to my question."
Is it correct to ask this? " Please give us advise with regards to my question."
No, "advise" is a verb.

Please help me with my question.

Could you please help me with my question?


"Please give us advice with regards to my question." Is it okay now?
Post #2 is trying to help you with your question. Use the advice given there.
Forget about 'advice' and use plain English – as YAMATO showed you:

Please help me with my question.

Could you please help me with my question?
I'm asking for an advice through email

And, for when you do use advice, we never say an advice. It should be just advice or a piece of advice.

Is this correct? "Could you give me advice to my question?" or " Could you give me a piece of advice to my question?"

Is this correct? "Could you give me advice to my question?" or " Could you give me a piece of advice to my question?"

No. You can ask for advice or a piece of advice about something. If you ask Could you give me a piece of advice about my question? you aren't asking for the answer; you're asking for a better way to write the question.

Never put a space after an opening quotation mark.
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