Introduction and questions about ESL field.

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Mar 2, 2017
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Hi, my name is Martin, a student with an interest in becoming prospective teacher for ELL's and ESOL students. I've recently joined this forum with the hopes of gaining more information and training on how to be a good teacher, meet and help others along the way since I am a mere novice.

Apologies if this is not the right area to introduce myself to the forum.

About me: I'm a currently working on my associates in English with plans to get a masters in TESOL from University of Maryland-College Park. right now I'm finishing my 3rd semester of community college and I plan to work over the summer volunteering at language schools or any institution that takes volunteers.

I have a couple questions regarding the ESL field:

1. What is the bare minimum I can do with an associates in English? I've been told next to nothing but being a TA(teacher's assistant) might be a possibility but I'd love to hear other people's thoughts on this.

2. Is a Masters of Ed. in TESOL better than a CELTA certificate?

3. What should I know in terms of English? Aside from the obvious, I know I'd have to know the English language, (I'm a native speaker of English) but I am not an expert at grammar and all of its terms at the moment. I know the basics but I need to review if I'm going to teach.

4. How is the job market for English teachers? Does the degree matter? Will you get a return on your investment whether you got a certificate or a masters or any university degree?

5. Your personal experiences with TESOL or just teaching English in general? ELL's personal experience with ESOL/ESL teachers?

Thank You for taking the time to read my introduction, I hope I get lots of answers.
Take care.
1. I believe that for the majority of reputable TEFL jobs you will need a university/college degree

2. I am not sure but a lot of employers ask for a CELTA

3. Most people who embark on a CELTA/TEFL course are not experts in grammar. You will find that you pick it up as you go along and become more confident

4. It depends where you are looking to teach. In Europe, no but if you are willing to work in the Middle East you can make decent money!

5. I have only really taught in the UK but I understand from friends that it is a fairly tough job but you are able to see the world and experience new cultures and attain a sense of freedom- go for it!
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