introduce v. present v. represent

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Jun 12, 2016
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I would like to ask you about the differences among "introduce", "present" and "represent."

Do they all mean the same for the contexts about textbooks.

They make a wide colloquation with "chapter." "Chapter introduces how ...", "Chapter represents how ...", "Chapter presentes ..."

Are all "chapter introduces ... ", "chapter presents ..." and "chapter represents ..." the same?

Thank you.
'Represent' has a completely different meaning from the other two, so it's wrong in this context.

These are just about possible - though not ideal:

'Chapter 6 presents the arguments for and against global warming.'

'Chapter 7 introduces Ron Ganser, the failed mathematician.'

I wouldn't use 'how' after either of them.
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I'll explain, 'chapter introduces how' is not a common phrase in textbooks written by native speakers of English.
I'll explain, 'chapter introduces how' is not a common phrase in textbooks written by native speakers of English.

But if a book use the verb introduce does this mean that they will teach the topic from zero level, assuming that the audience knows nothing about the topic?

Thank you.
We weren't concentrating solely on the use of the word "introduces". We are saying that these three words together - "Chapter introduces how" - would not be common in a book written by a native speaker.

It needs either a word before "chapter", ie "This chapter introduces ..." or a number after "chapter", ie "Chapter 5 introduces ...".

The word "how" after "introduces" might or might not be correct depending on the rest of the sentence.
We weren't concentrating solely on the use of the word "introduces".
Yes, but should not this kind of questions be asked under this? So I did not open a new thread.

Thank you.
I have no idea what post #9 means. No one suggested that you start a new thread. All the responses relate to your first post.
I have no idea what post #9 means. No one suggested that you start a new thread. All the responses relate to your first post.
I thought #8 implied that.

Thank you.
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