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Mar 18, 2013
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I have been interested in doing a TEFL course for sometime now and I have been looking for suitable courses. The other day I received an email from Amazon which had the following deal attached to it:

AmazonLocal London-wide: 120 Hour Online 'Teach English as a Foreign Language' (TEFL) Course for One Person

It is a deal on the INTERSOL 120 hour online TEFL course for £45. Surely that seems too good to be true? Can anyone shed any light on this?

If it is going to be legitimate, is it worth doing?

I am looking to do the course so that when I have done my 3 year teacher training course at University I can then go abroad using the TEFL qualification before settling into a classroom job. I have heard the arguments for not doing an online course, but I believe it is the best option for me as I have experience of teaching anyway because I have been working as a Teaching Assistant for two years now, as well as various other things that I have done.

Something else I was wondering was, if I did do the course (or any Intersol course) would it give me the same employability credentials as any of the other TEFL programs? And will the fact that I have done it online affect my job opportunities in any way?

Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.
Something else I was wondering was, if I did do the course (or any Intersol course) would it give me the same employability credentials as any of the other TEFL programs? And will the fact that I have done it online affect my job opportunities in any way?

I am not sure that experience as a teaching assistant + this will give the same employability credentials in all cases. Employers in many places are looking for specific qualifications. Where are you thinking of going?
It is a deal on the INTERSOL 120 hour online TEFL course for £45. Surely that seems too good to be true?
It is.
I am looking to do the course so that when I have done my 3 year teacher training course at University I can then go abroad using the TEFL qualification before settling into a classroom job.
If you are doing a three-year teacher-training course at university, you end up as a qualified teacher in your own country, something that CELTA and Trinity Cert graduates are not. If you wish to enter the ELT world, then it may well be worth your while taking a CELTA or Trinity CertTESOL, but don't waste money on an 'internationally recognised course' unless it offers at least 100 hours of tuition and an absolute minimum of six hours observed teaching.
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