In addition to/besides/as well as/aside from/except

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Mar 20, 2023
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Hello, Which of the following words are correct?

1- In addition to/besides/as well as/aside from/except all the qualities men possess women possess a few more.
What are you trying to say? Do you mean women have all the qualities men do plus a few more?
Hello. Which of the following words are correct?

1- In addition to/besides/as well as/aside from/except all the qualities men possess, women possess a few more.
Hello, Unnecessary. Just go ahead and ask your question.
Which of the following words/phrases are correct?

1- In addition to/Besides/As well as/Aside from/Except all the qualities men possess, women possess a few more.
What's the 1- about? Is this a homework exercise you're asking us to help you with?
What's the 1- about? Is this a homework exercise you're asking us to help you with?
I just want to know if they are synonymous.
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