In a question, do we use "What kind...." or "What kinds..." ?

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Apr 27, 2017
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For example; A says:" I love reading books", B asks: "What kind of books do you like? " . So, "What kind..." or "What kinds...", which one is the correct use in this scenario?
They are both possible. Use the plural if you think you'll get a plural answer ("storybooks and encyclopedias!"); use the singular if you expect a singular answer.
You might get a similar answer from a singular question in BrE.
You might get a similar answer from a singular question in BrE.
It's the same in AmE. The first speaker's expectation governs the choice of kind or kinds, but doesn't necessarily affect the response. If asked "What kind of books do you like?", the responder might say "I like several kinds," then enumerate them. They might just as easily simply list a few kinds of books.
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