In 1875, Opera Carmen belongs to George Bizet was opened.

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Mona Ibrahim

Junior Member
Dec 29, 2021
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Please check the sentences below and fix any errors.

1-In 1875, Opera Carmen belongs to George Bizet was opened.
2-The notes Ibn Rushd has taken on Aristo’s books resubmitted the greek philosopher in Europe at Renaissance.
3-Mortuary temple is located in the east of Disembodied Pyramid.
4- In 1872, The German philosopher Nietzsche has published his first book “The Birth of Tragedy from the Spirit of Music”.
Where do these sentences come from, Mona?
@Mona Ibrahim - Mona, this is the third time I have had to edit one of your titles. Please do not write "Please check the sentences below and fix any errors" in your title. Write it as the first line of the actual post.
@Mona Ibrahim - Mona, this is the third time I have had to edit one of your titles. Please do not write "Please check the sentences below and fix any errors" in your title. Write it as the first line of the actual post.
Well noted.
Where do these sentences come from, Mona?
I have read them in Arabic books and tried to convert them in English to improve my skills in English.
I have read them in Arabic books and tried to convert translate them into English to improve my skills in English.

I don't think that's a good use of your time. You should try reading some English content (websites, news sites etc) and then you can ask us about anything you don't understand.

Without knowing the Arabic original, there is no way for us to know if you're translating them well anyway.
I just want to express my point of views in English and summaries what I read and make English sentences to apply what I learned, not translating sentences at all. I hope you understand my point of view.
I just want to express my points of views view in English, and summarise what I read and make write English sentences to apply what I have learned, not translating translate sentences at all. I hope you understand my point of view.

Note my corrections above. I'm sorry but I don't really understand your explanation. Your posts so far have been very random sentences. I don't know what you're learning.
Carmen doesn't belong to Bizet- he wrote it.
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