IH BANGKOK CELTA -- Need Help with the Pre interview task

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Apr 26, 2011
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I am writing the Celta Pre-interview task to be held at the International House in Bangkok this summer.

I need help with the following two questions.

1) Describe different activities that you imagine language teachers use in the classroom. Say why you think they would be useful for learners. (200-300 words)

- Should it be like a short essay?
- What do they mean by "activities"?
- Should I describe how an activity works, like for example a Bingo game or a particular worksheet, watching a Video or listening to a song and filling the gap?

2) What do you think are the "specific difficulties" of English for the learners? (200- 300 words)

- Should i give only a general idea of the "specifics difficulties" that I think ESL learners may face, or should I explain why, and give example using ESL terminology?

An example of the type of answer they are looking for in Q1 and Q2 will be more appreciated.

They are trying to judge your potential as a teacher. They want to know what you think, not what you think they want to hear. The number of words specified gives you an idea of the amount of detail you need to give.

This may seem unhelpful, but they want to know about you, not us. Don't forget, this is a pre-CELTA task. You are not epected to give expert answers. If you could, you would not need to go on the course.
200-300 isn't much space, so they're not looking for much detail.
Thanks guys,

I will go with two short essays then.
They are trying to judge your potential as a teacher. They want to know what you think, not what you think they want to hear. The number of words specified gives you an idea of the amount of detail you need to give.

This may seem unhelpful, but they want to know about you, not us. Don't forget, this is a pre-CELTA task. You are not epected to give expert answers. If you could, you would not need to go on the course.

Dear fivejedjon,

I'm interest in this problem.

Thanks for sharing me the information you have about it.

Many thanks advance!
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