ignored aides in declaring victory

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Feb 19, 2016
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Panel Lays Out Case That Trump Created and Spread Election Lies
The committee showed how former President Trump ignored aides in declaring victory and pressed fraud claims he was told were wrong.
It was part of a bid to demonstrate how Mr. Trump’s dissembling about the election results led to the attack on the Capitol.

Source: New York Times

I don't understand the use of in here. Does ignored aides in declaring victory clearly mean ignored aides who declared Biden's victory?
iI means that his declaration of victory meant that he ignored his aides.

His (Trump's) declaration of victory?
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If it was written as "ignored aides in his declaring victory", then it would be unambiguous.
I wonder whether you native speakers get it at the first glance. Is it unequivocal to you?
Trump was speaking. Why would a speaker be declaring any other victory than their own? It's completely unambiguous as originally written.

We don't declare victory unless it's our own. If an opponent has won, then we would acknowledge their victory (or perhaps concede defeat.)
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