[Cover Letter] If you don't mind, would you please proofread my cover letter?

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Jan 21, 2015
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Re: Potential employment opportunities

To Whom It May Concern

As you and your team give opportunities to students to work in the mining field as an engineer in-training, you will be seeking people with interests in mining and have passion to learn. I am one of those people and am highly interested and well qualified.

My academic background has been primarily in mining engineering at XXXXX. I have learned basic techniques such as drilling and blasting, and different types of underground mines. I have done several courses: mining geology, introduction to mining, mining surveying, underground mining, materials handling, etc. In addition, I am very good with using MS-Office, Gemcom and AutoCad. I have used them for projects and the results were phenomenal. I've done several projects with my colleagues. Most of the time, I used my leadership skills to direct the projects to be completed. I can communicate with teammates in several languages; English, French and Korean. Also, since I have worked as a tutor for years, I am able to communicate with different kind of people. My organizational skill could be shown by preparing lectures every week. I can also work in hard condition and under pressure.

I've visited ABC and XYZ work field located in DEF. I went to an open-pit mine and also an underground mine. I can say without doubt that every minute that I had spent in mines was meaningful and learnable moments. It must be delightful if you could give me another chance of learning about mines.

I know I would be an asset to your team. I really look forward to discussing this exciting opportunity with you. If you should require any additional information prior to me contacting you, please call: (123) 456 7589 or email me directly. Thank you for you time and consideration.


Firstname LASTNAME

Thank you for reading my cover letter.
I really appreciate it.
Thank you for your time and have a nice day
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Re: Potential employment opportunities

To Whom It May Concern

As you and your team give opportunities to students to work in the mining field as an engineer in-training, you will be seeking people with interests in mining and have passion to learn. I am one of those people and am highly interested and well qualified.

How would you rewrite those sentences? (Remember that your potential employer already knows what he does for a living and doesn't need to be told that. (Perhaps start by saying that you are interested in working in the mining field, and that is what you have been trained to do.))

My academic background has been primarily in mining engineering at XXXXX. I have learned basic techniques such as drilling and blasting, and I have also learned about the different types of underground mines. I have taken several courses: mining geology, introduction to mining, mining surveying, underground mining, materials handling, etc. In addition, I am very good with using MS-Office, Gemcom and AutoCad. I have used them for projects and the results were phenomenal. I've done several projects with my colleagues. Most of the time, I used my leadership skills to direct the projects to be completed. I can communicate with teammates in several languages: English, French and Korean. Also, since I have worked as a tutor for years, I am able to communicate with different kinds of people. My organizational skill could be shown by preparing lectures every week. I can also work in hard condition and under pressure.

I've visited ABC and XYZ work field located in DEF. I went to an open-pit mine and also an underground mine. I can say without doubt that every minute that I had spent in mines was meaningful and learnable moments. It must be delightful if you could give me another chance of learning about mines.

I know I would be an asset to your team. I really look forward to discussing this exciting opportunity with you. If you should require any additional information prior to me contacting you, please call: (123) 456 7589 or email me directly. Thank you for you time and consideration.


Firstname LASTNAME

Thank you for reading my cover letter.
I really appreciate it.
Thank you for your time and have a nice day

Cover Letter
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