If more than 5 people want to buy from us

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Jan 10, 2022
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Hello, I'm attempting to sell a PV system to someone.

Could someone please assist me in writing the sentences correctly?

If more than 5 people want to buy from us, we can give them a 15% discount.
I have provided you with two quotations, one for a low-cost option and the other for a premium quality with a 10-year warranty.
If more than 5 people want to buy from us, we can give them a 15% discount.
What does that mean? Are you talking about five different customers?
It's a building, we are only installing pv panels and the structural steel. I want to offer them a full psckage pv system with inverters chargers and batteries.
It's a building. We are only installing PV panels and the structural steel. I want to offer them a full package PV system with inverters, chargers, and batteries.
I am not at all sure what your discount offer involves. Are you offering your customer a discount if they bring you five additional customers?
It's a building; we are only installing pv PV panels and the structural steel. I want to offer them a full package pv PV system with inverters, chargers and batteries.
Like the others, I'm not clear about the "five people". Are you saying that if five different people who live in the same building want to become customers, you'll offer each of them a 15% discount but they'll still be individual customers, or are you looking for five people who want to club together (a bit like a co-operative) and you will treat them as one customer but do a 15% discount.
Are you saying that if five different people who live in the same building want to become customers, you'll offer each of them a 15% discount but they'll still be individual customers,
@Joj I have no idea why you think my comment was funny. It's really dull to keep having to correct such basic mistakes.
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