if I may be so bold, your taste

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Nov 6, 2017
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An Old Woman asks Anna, who stage apartments for realtors:

Old Woman: As I'm sure you're aware, apartments at the Davenport don't come up very often, and we have more than our share of applicants. So, why you?

Anna: I have lived in Boston my entire life, and l have always dreamed of living here. And thankfully, I have found somebody who shares that dream, and I can assure you that you will not find two people more in sync with your exceptionally high standards and, if I may be so bold, your taste.

What is the meaning of "if I may be so bold, your taste"?
Source: Leap Year (2010)
If you remove "if I may be so bold", the end of the sentence is, I'm sure, much clearer:

... you will not find two people more in sync with your exceptionally high standards and your taste.

"If I may be so bold" means "I hope you don't mind if I make a somewhat bold/daring/courageous statement". I'm not sure why Anna thinks that complimenting someone else's taste is bold.
What do you mean by the underlined words?

Well, when somebody is selling an apartment or a home, she brings stuff in and make it look as beautiful as it can look.
. . . I'm not sure why Anna thinks that complimenting someone else's taste is bold.
It makes sense. She's acknowledging that it's flattery, implying that she's only daring to say it because the flattery is sincere.
Well, when somebody is selling an apartment or a home, she brings stuff in and make it look as beautiful as it can look.
Yes. I remember reading once that it's good to put an uncorked bottle of champagne and two champagne flutes next to the bed and have always wondered whether a fifth of tequila and a bong would do.
Kind of like realtors baking a fresh batch of cookies before showing a house.
Or hanging flower boxes outside the front windows.
"Home staging" is a big thing here in France.
Yes. I remember reading once that it's good to put an uncorked bottle of champagne and two champagne flutes next to the bed and have always wondered whether a fifth of tequila and a bong would do.

You could always bring the two approaches under the sane roof.
I'm not sure why Anna thinks that complimenting someone else's taste is bold.
Anna is adept at flattery. The parenthetical phrase suggests she considered withholding that bit but could not restrain herself in the face of such truly exquisite style.
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