If I call someone and he picks up the receiver but doesn't say "hello" then what do I

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Feb 4, 2014
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If I call someone and he picks up the receiver but doesn't say "hello" then what do I

If I call someone and he picks up the receiver or receives the call but doesn't say "hello" then what do I need to say? Is it correct to say "He picked up the call but didn't answer or say anything" or "He received the call but didn't answer"?
Re: If I call someone and he picks up the receiver but doesn't say "hello" then what

If I call someone and he [STRIKE]picks up the receiver or [/STRIKE]receives the call but doesn't [STRIKE]say "hello" [/STRIKE] speak/answer. [STRIKE]then what do I need to say? [/STRIKE]Is it correct to say, "He picked up the call but didn't answer or say anything" or "He received the call but didn't answer"?

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Re: If I call someone and he picks up the receiver but doesn't say "hello" then what

In that case, how you know it was him who picked up the phone?

If you are entirely sure that he is the only one who has the access to the phone and there is no technical problem, perhaps you can say "He (picked up/answered) the (call/phone) but he didn't say anything.

"He received the call but didn't answer" indicates to me he didn't pick up the phone.

Hope this helps.
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Re: If I call someone and he picks up the receiver but doesn't say "hello" then what

If I call someone and he picks up the receiver [STRIKE]or receives the call[/STRIKE] but doesn't say [STRIKE]"Hello"[/STRIKE] anything, [STRIKE]then[/STRIKE] what do I need to say? Is it correct to say "He picked up the [STRIKE]call[/STRIKE] phone but didn't [STRIKE]answer or[/STRIKE] say anything" or "He received the call but didn't answer"?

See above.

Please stop using "then" in the second half of a sentence starting "If". I have deleted it in loads of your posts and you clearly haven't noticed. You must use the comma too.

If XXX happens, then what do I need to say? :cross:
If XXX happens, what do I need to say? :tick:
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