IELTS writing task 2

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Jul 12, 2020
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In some countries, the criminal trials are shown on the TV and the general public can watch them. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Crimes are increasing at an alarming rate in some countries, so measures like broadcasting the criminal trials on the television are being taken to deter crimes. However, this approach brings more problems than benefits.

It is true that some potential criminals may be intimidated by the live report of court trials. In this way, the public can further realize the consequences of crimes for both offenders themselves and victims. Watching the lawbreakers lose their dignity in the court may help people abandon the intention of committing crimes. Also, they can see clearly the harm which was done by lawbreakers to victims and their families. Watching a mother weeping for her lost child in a kidnapping on the television works better than reading just a few lines in the newspaper.

However, the live broadcasting of a trial also has some adverse effects on both the audience and the violators. Firstly, people may imitate the criminals’ behaviour. During the trial, the details of a crime are thoroughly shown to the general public. The audience can learn how the offenders planned the crime, where they purchased the necessary equipment and how they managed to escape from the police. After watching the trial, the public, especially immature young people, may be curious about the crime, and those with vicious intentions may copy the crime.

Besides, being publicized to a wide audience is likely to ruin the violators’ reputation. Even after being rehabilitated in a prison, they may still be referred to as “criminals” by other people. As a result, it is always difficult for a released prisoner to search for a job, and even their family members will be isolated from the rest of the community.

In conclusion, the live report of criminal trials is not a feasible approach to deter crimes because it causes more harm than benefits.
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